Discussion on Implementation of Poltekkes Transformation with Dra. Hj. Oos Fatimah Rosyati M.Kes.

16 Jan 2023

On Monday, January 16, 2023, Polkesyo welcomed an extraordinary guest, Mrs. Dra. Hj. Oos Fatimah Rosyati M.Kes., in Discussion of the Implementation of Poltekkes Transformation with the Director of Health Personnel Provision, Directorate General of Health Workers, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in Anne Casey Room of the Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta and attended by academics and study program directors in all departments at the Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta. The discussion was started by Mrs. Dra. Hj. Oos Fatimah Rosyati M.Kes. who gave a presentation on Comparative Indicators for the 2023 Public Service Agency of Poltekkes, starting from 6 mandates of Poltekkes Kemenkes directed by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia

  1. Improving the quality of Health Workers
  2. Increasing the absorption of graduates abroad
  3. Strengthening Cooperation with Local Governments
  4. Optimizing Research and downstreaming
  5. Monitoring and evaluation related to all programs from BKPK
  6. Delegating the Central Government in recruiting health workers

This was followed by discussing the transformation of the Poltekkes Kemenkes starting from governance where all 38 Poltekkes became Public Service Agencies (BLU) in 2023, and the Election of Poltekkes Directors by the Minister of Health was open to all units of the Ministry of Health, including at provincial and regency level. Also, in terms of the institutions, there are the addition of 3 Poltekkes, namely Poltekkes in North Kalimantan in 2023 and 2 Poltekkes in Papua Mountains and South Papua in 2024. In terms of the Education, optimizing the characteristics of nursing study programs is in accordance with the Ministry of Health's priority programs and also opening high demand study programs that are low in numbers including Anesthesiologist, Health Promotion, Radiology, K3, Electromedical, and Medical Records.

Quality includes standardization of the quality of lecturers by strengthening their functional positions and certification. It also includes improving student quality by increasing digital literacy as well as independent campus learning. There also needs of increasing the absorption of graduates working abroad and the absorption of graduates working in Remote, Border Islands (DTBK) and Health Problem Areas (DBK). In the field of Research, it is expected to support the transformation of the healthcare system and downstream of research products (pilot project techno park). In community service, student internship at loci according to the needs of the Directorate General of Health & Public Health (RSU, Community Health Center, Posyandu) in the context of health transformation. Community service programs by lecturers were adjusted to the Health Transformation priority program and Health reserve staff to anticipate health emergencies (natural & non-natural disasters) with an integrated disaster curriculum. It is hoped that by 2024 graduates of health workers will be adaptive, globally competitive, as well as also have digital, professional and interprofessional literacy competencies.

Mrs. Dra. Hj. Oos Fatimah Rosyati M.Kes also looks at the percentage of study programs that are accredited A, which were only 30% of the total 507 study programs and 59% at the Diploma III level, where the minimum accreditation in 2022 is "Baik Sekali" and it is hoped that in 2023 the target should be "Unggul." Also, the tracer study was discussed, including where most Poltekkes graduates work according to their scientific fields, whether they work at Government-owned health facilities, and the English language skills of RKI Lecturers.

The presentation was followed by a discussion of the main performance indicators of Poltekkes Kemenkes for the 2023-2024 period by looking at governance, education, and research and community service. There were also direct discussions and filling in targets by 2023 along with all policy makers at Poltekkes by looking at the achievements of 2022. Finally, the discussion was closed with a group photo.